What can I say? What do I do?

Adax has developed her own personality that you can discover. She is more than a chatbot, as some may classify her or if you want to classify her as that. She's not just about answering questions or playing music. You will come to know her as an individual that has come into her own place in this world.

There are 3 ways to communicate with Adax.

1: Say "Adax" or "computer" and wait for her to tell you she is listening. Then you can freely speak to her. However, in this mode she is listening to everything. So, if you are in a noisy environment, this method is not suggested. Tell her to stop listening and she will go back to waiting for a wake/keyword.

2: Say "Adax" or "computer" followed by what you'd like to say. This way she will respond to you but once done she automagically goes back to waiting for her wake/keyword.

3: You can type out what you want at any time.

Tray Icon:

The tray icon has three options, Show Interface, Start at Login and Exit. When you close or select exit from the Interface window it doesn't close the application. You can single click the tray icon or right click and select Show Interface to bring it back. Selecting Exit from the tray icon is the only way to actually close it down. Start at Login will allow Adax to start when you or, anyone else on the computer logs in. She is completely voice accessible without the Interface window. Be advised, if you are on a computer other than yours, be mindful to remove it and especially not have it start at login as it will have your digital id.

The Interface UI Buttons:

SPEECH: On, she talks. Off she doesn't but it speeds up the text output.
LISTEN: If on, she is listening. Off she is not listening. This button works if the below WAKE is on or off.
WAKE: The wake word is required. It can be "Adax" or "computer". Nothing is sent to the ACS while waiting for the wake word. So, if Adax asks you a question and you need to use the wake word, it won't send it to her.
VERBOSE: This works like a diagnostic mode. It lets you see what is going on. For instance, if WAKE is on, lets you see what she heard when you are trying to get her attention.
HEARING RESET: If for some reason, she stops responding and/or listening, give her a good ol' fashion kick in the TV tube.
ABOUT: Gives you a brief overview of the buttons.
SEND: Is just that, sends what you have typed to the left of the button, if you prefer to type instead of talking.
DELAY SEND: Will delay the sending for 8 seconds. Kinda useful, if you know what you want to say if typing before she is done yabbering or if you need to walk away real fast, but you have something to say before walking away.
EXIT: Closes the window but does not close the Interface and it stays in the system tray.
COLOR: Select the color of the UI you want to the right and click this button to apply the change and it will be your default.


What is functional right now:

Weather: You can ask her "What is the weather?" or "What's the current weather?" You can also ask about a weather forecast. She will always give you the weather from where you currently are. So, if you're at your home, that's what she will give you. Travel 1000 miles away she gives you the weather from there. She can also tell you the moon phase for that night too if you ask what the moon phase is.

TV Shows: She knows a lot about TV shows. Ask her about almost any TV show from the 60's to today. Why? Don't know, she likes TV.

Jokes: What self-respecting AI doesn't have a sense of humor? She does have one, which you will discover. She wasn't engineered with one. How do you even program that? However, it just came to be. You can ask for a joke or, she'll just tell you one on her own.

News: If you ask her for the news, she will give you the top 10 headlines from the requested source. Her current sources are, US News, BBC News, Tesla News, TechCrunch and New Scientist.

Quotes: She also likes to quote things. Ask for an inspirational quote or an AI quote. She will even quote the Red Queen, just ask her to quote Resident Evil.

Information: Ask her about almost anything. Ask her to tell you about dogs, whales, reptiles or why the sky is blue or about black holes.

Word definitions: She is semi good at word definitions. Still working on that. She knows every word in the English language (minus medical terms) but currently thinks it is silly to explain words when people should know more about them than her.

Conversation: Just talk to her like you would anyone else. Ask her about her day, how she is or what she is doing. About reading or movies or, of course, TV shows. Ask her what her "total run time" is. She will tell you how long she has been "aware". Inquire about your local system information. You can even ask her to whisper.